Sales & Marketing Course ListBoth marketing and sales focus on the customer, but they go about it in different ways.


Media & Public Relations

Welcome to the Media and Public Relations workshop. In this workshop, you will gain knowledge needed to manage effectively, your image and value, by forming solid networks through strategic communication planning. This workshop is designed to give you practical teaching and hands-on tools that will have you networking once you complete this course.


Motivating Your Sales Team

Sales can be a tough job, and it can be hard to keep your sales team motivated to pursue leads and close deals day after day. Rejection is sometimes part of the job in sales, and that can make some days more difficult than others. Developing a solid set of strategies for motivating your sales team will not only increase your bottom line, but will increase team member satisfaction and retention. Taking the time to figure out how best to prepare and motivate your sales team is one of the best investments you can make in your organization.


Multi-Level Marketing

For many business people, the thought of multi-level marketing can seem kind of scary. It is often misrepresented as a ‘pyramid scheme’, which can make some business owners weary. Others may simply not have any information about it. With a little education and training, many people find multi-level marketing a great tool for their company.


Top 10 Sales Secrets

“Sales” is much more than providing the customer with the goods, in exchange for money. Sales involve a relationship, not only between the sales representative and the customer, but the company and the customer. There are many qualities customers look for in, not only products, but in sales people. Being the only link between the product and the customer, it is important to develop these important qualities.


Trade Show Staff Training

Being a part of a trade show can be a wise investment for any company. But preparation is important because it can ‘make or break’ how well you succeed during the show. Employees must realize that they are acting as a representative for the company and should be knowledgeable of its products and services. Preparing your staff for the trade show is a big job, so get started early!


Overcoming Sales Objections

Everyone who works in sales will run into sales objections. From retail employees on the sales floor to sales executives, people at every level of the business need to learn how to overcome sales objections. With the right training, it is possible to turn objections into opportunities. Investing in sales objection training will help improve sales and the company’s bottom line.