Career Development Course List Learn the processes organizations implement to support employees and encourage their career progression.


Building Confidence and Assertiveness

Strengthening our self-confidence is a powerful step in shaping our lives and creating future success. The ability to be confident and assertive are crucial skills for personal development, displaying authority in business, and promoting equality throughout interactions.


Communication Strategies

Welcome to the Communication Strategies workshop. For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it’s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look that you give to the cat, it all means something. This workshop will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them.


Creative Problem Solving

Welcome to the Creative Problem Solving workshop. In the past few decades, psychologists and business people alike have discovered that successful problem solvers tend to use the same type of process to identify and implement the solutions to their problems. This process works for any kind of problem, large or small. This workshop will give participants an overview of the entire creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving tools that they can use every day.


Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box

This course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that will help shape a creative workplace. Creativity plays a big role in building a positive work environment, one in which employees will feel confident in expressing their ideas. Be mindful that there is creativity in all of us. When this creativity emerges, powerful opportunities and advancements will happen.


Developing Creativity

Creativity and innovation will improve your chances of success in business and in life. There are steps that can be taken to inspire you and to develop your creative mindset. By changing the way you think and by overcoming your fear of risk, you will improve you creativity. Implementing the guidelines in this module is the first step to forever changing your creative process.


Digital Citizenship

The Internet has changed the way that people connect, communicate, and conduct business. The digital age has provided many benefits, but it does have a downside. Given the sheer volume of digital information that we send and receive each day, it is important to learn basic citizenship skills. These skills will help prevent missteps and keep your digital relationships running smoothly.