Category : Career Development
Reviews : (3)
Students : 23 Members
Period : 8 weeks
Instructor : TBD
Course Forum : Career Development
Strengthening our self-confidence is a powerful step in shaping our lives and creating future success. The ability to be confident and assertive are crucial skills for personal development, displaying authority in business, and promoting equality throughout interactions. Essentially, these skills have a significant influence on building a happy life. Through effective communication, visualization, and resiliency, we can learn to be confident and project an image of confidence to others. When stressful or difficult situations arise, we have the ability to control our own responses and how we choose to move forward. Confidence and assertiveness are skills that can be developed and beneficial to everyone, no matter their career or job position. The Building Confidence and Assertiveness course will provide participants with the tools to overcome fear, gain personal empowerment, and inspire confidence in others. By believing in our potential and the positive changes that we can make, we are able to grow personally and professionally.